Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1 Month and 2 Days...

Margot is now 1 month and 2 days old! I can't believe how fast time has gone by! She had her one month check up at the doctors office yesterday and she is a healthy girl-weighing 9lbs 3oz and measuring 22 inches. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight which is normal. She got her first immunization during that doctors visit too...it was the saddest thing I have ever seen, but she made it through :)

All in all things have been going great. I am feeling more and more comfortable with her "schedule" and taking her places on my own. I think once I realized that crying wasn't the end of the world and that I was capable of taking her places with out damaging her things became a lot easier. It can still be a bit overwhelming sometimes, especially on the days when she is gassy or going through a growth spurt, but all I have to do is cuddle her and I feel instantly better. I have learned a great deal this past month about myself, motherhood, friendships, and marriage. I never realized how much this would be a learning process for me! But I am getting the hang of it...however I am starting to realize that there is a continuum in this learning process.

Things have definitely changed... All of my teacher friends are getting ready to go back to school next week. It feels really bizarre not to be going back myself. I have been toying with the idea of maybe subbing once a week or getting involved in tutoring or something...but I am not sure. Margot is definitely a full time job and I am planning to provide day care for my friend Krystal. Her son Charlie will be a little over a year old when I start watching him in Sept. I hope I can handle 2 kiddos! We'll see, we have planned a trial period and she has a back up, so that takes some of the pressure off :)

So, what's next for me?Well my goal is to get to the gym and get healthier! Baby weight is cute when you are preggo but not so much afterwords. I pretty much just want to wear my button up pants and toss these maternity clothes in a box for later! I want to get in shape for a 5k...there is one in Bisbee in Oct. I can do it--Watch out YMCA here I come!

If anyone can tell me how to post a photo album/slide show I would appreciate it :P