Friday, August 20, 2010

2 months old ALREADY?!

Seriously, where does the time go? I cannot believe Margot is already 2 months old! She is getting so big! She is cooing all the time, smiling, laughing, and the other day she held her rattle! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up. She had her check up yesterday and all is well. She is 11lbs 13 oz and 23.5 inches long--75th percentile! She received all of her vaccines, which was no bueno for lil'Margot or mama for that matter. Why can't vaccinations be given via sunshine and lollipops?! My poor little girl didn't even see it coming, but I told her that this unpleasant experience was all worth it in order to forgo diseases like Polio...she agreed. On top of that, she has had a little cold for the last week which has made sleeping almost impossible. She seems to be getting over the cold though, just a stuffy nose for now. Needless to say these last few days have been quite eventful. Our mission for her right now, besides to get over the cold, is to get her to take a bottle. I swear there are more than enough brands of bottles out there for all kinds of babies, I just want one to work for her. We have tried 2 types and have bought a new one today, which I think looks the most promising (cross your fingers). It's not that I do not want to breastfeed, I would just like the option to drop her off at grandma's for a couple of hours to go to a movie or something without worrying if she is hungry. Hopefully we will find something that works for the little girl, she just loves her mama..who can blame her?!

Other than that, things are going great! We are planning our family trip to D.C. in November and I cannot express how excited I am about visiting our nations Capitol! The best part of this trip is that we will be sharing it with Joe's mom, sister, bro-in-law, and nephews. Joe's brother-in-law is graduating from the FBI, which is the primary reason for the trip. We just found out that they will be relocating to Philadelphia, which is sad because we will miss them so much, but good because it is a great opportunity for their family (and a cool place for us to come and visit). This trip will be so much fun, we will spend Thanksgiving there, as well as celebrate Joe's 27th b-day! It will definitely be an eventful trip, so many things to see and do! I have already had to narrow down our itinerary!

In the meantime, I am anticipating watching Charlie next month (Mon.-Thurs.) and fitting in time to remain active. The YMCA will watch Margot while I work out when she is 3 months old, so I am getting excited to join soon! Exercising has always been a good time for me to reflect and decompress so I cannot wait to get back to it. I also cannot wait for AZ weather to get cooler! I am excited to take Margot on new outings like to the zoo or the park--which will be fun to do with Charlie too! Only a few more weeks!

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