Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello world! It's Michaela.

It took me a while to take the plunge into the whole "blogging scene" but alas, here I am!

I am excited about my new venture into blogging! As I dig deeper into my new found activity, it is important to me to define exactly what I want out of this whole experience. First, I want to keep people updated on the "goings on" of the Crabtree clan, because let's be real, who doesn't want to keep up with the Crabtree's? Secondly, I want to use it as a venue to express my thoughts and ideas. I know these are not the world's most "original" objectives but I am beginning a new phase in life where I am assessing (and re-assessing) who I am as an individual... "what I am into" or what "extra curricular" activities I want to participate in . I have never been a real hobbiest, but that is starting to change as I meet new people and try new things. This blog is one of the ways I am "stepping out of my shell". For those who know me, I use the term "shell" loosely...we all know that I have no real "shell" to begin with :)

It's weird to think that someone other than my known friends and family would read this, but that doesn't mean I don't approve :) I like to imagine people being amused by my "crazy" antics. Who wouldn't want to read about a "cantankerous 24 year old mother to be" who is recently obsessed with crafting, especially with ModPodge, thanks to her BFF and Sister-in-Law. But there I go again thinking the world, and all the people in it, are revolving around me...but seriously why wouldn't they want to?!

I like this whole blogging business.... It's kind of therapeutic. I think it will make the transition to staying home a little easier. I am quite chatty and I love being surrounded by people--especially when they are sitting in desks awaiting the information I will relinquish to them...hence why I became a teacher. Until recently, I didn't realize that I used the classroom as an outlet for my personality. It was the only place where I could consistently interact with people. I never knew what to expect from day to day, and most importantly, I got to talk all day about whatever I wanted---and they had to listen! :) But since Margot is making her debut (in June 2010) I will be taking time off from teaching to be with her, which will be awesome, but it will be a big change. Plus- don't all stay at home mom's have a blog? I thought it was a requirement?...


  1. It totally is a requirement! Welcome to the dark side...

  2. Hello Michaela, it's the world!! I just gave you a shout out on my blog so my parents and family/friends can read your blog too. I am so glad you have jumped on the bandwagon :) You should give Joe a login too so he can update when you are recuperating and such

  3. I've read the first two entries and I like it. You are a good blogger so I will read some more. Of course everyone wants to keep up with the Crabtrees, especially the upcoming new addition. You will need to add photo albums so we can watch Margot grot up.
    By the way, relaxing means doing what you want to, when you want to; and not doing what you don't want to when you don't want to.
    So, relax, don't stress over what relaxing is.

  4. Wise words from my dad. Oh, and he is serious about the photos, he gets upset when there aren't new pictures of Ariana every few days :)

  5. I am just tuning in to your new blog and I'm going to love following it and your and Margot's developments. There is so much "personal growth" to becoming a parent, stay-at-home-mom, important teacher of everything you think is important and want your daughter to "get". OMG, I'm exhausted thinking about it. I'm glad my daughter was such a fast learner and knew to choose such an important friend in her life as you. I love seeing your prego picture.
